
Introducing Tire-Steel-Wire by Dashmesh Group, a groundbreaking solution that harnesses the latent potential of discarded truck and bus tires (TBRs), extracting high-quality steel wire with up to 20% impurity content.

Visualize a stream of robust steel wire emerging from recycled tires, each strand a testament to innovation and sustainability. TSW is meticulously processed using advanced techniques, extracting steel wire with remarkable efficiency and precision.

TSW: Steel Wire Emerging from Recycled Tires

  • Environmental Stewardship: With TSW, we divert millions of tons of steel wire from landfills, mitigating environmental degradation and conserving natural resources.
  • Resource Recovery Leader: TSW embodies the principles of the circular economy, reclaiming valuable steel and minimizing waste generation, thus promoting sustainable resource management.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: By offering cost-efficient alternatives to virgin steel, TSW drives economic savings for industries while fostering environmental responsibility.
  • Energy Conservation: TSW contributes to energy conservation efforts by reducing the need for primary steel production, thereby lowering carbon emissions and combating climate change.

Dashmesh Group ensures uncompromising quality and sustainability in every TSW product:

  • Advanced Processing: Our state-of-the-art facilities employ cutting-edge technology to extract steel wire from TBRs with up to 20% impurity content, ensuring consistent quality and performance.
  • Versatile Applications: We offer a range of TSW products tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries, from construction to automotive manufacturing, guaranteeing versatility and reliability.
  • Ethical Sourcing: At Dashmesh Group, we uphold strict ethical standards in sourcing TBRs, prioritizing transparency and responsible practices throughout the supply chain.

  • By recycling TBRs into TSW, we prevent over 15 million tons of steel from entering landfills annually, significantly reducing environmental impact and promoting a circular economy.
  • TSW exhibits exceptional strength and durability, making it an ideal choice for demanding industrial applications requiring robust steel wire components.

Partner with Dashmesh Group and embrace the sustainable potential of Tire-Steel-Wire. Together, let's forge a brighter, more resilient future, one steel wire at a time.
Embrace innovation. Embrace TSW.

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Beyond waste, opportunity blooms. Reimagine resources with Dashmesh Group's innovative recycling and processing. Turn tyres into playgrounds, plastics into fuel, and waste into a sustainable future

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